Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Starting to Minister...

Twitter/txt message question:

"What do U think a struggling Christian needs to know to become a stronger Christian? Besides Bible reading & prayer. This is Forest. This is just a survey."
I asked many of you that Q. The main thrust of my question was to gain an idea of what tools we as ministers can give to people who are now: new Christians/ healing Christians/ disgruntled-yet-back-to-Jesus-Christians.... etc.
I ask this because my dream is to make a video discipleship series based online that would really help Christians GROW.
The first topic on this online video discipleship series will probably be something like: "The First Thing You Need to Know or Should Expect About Being a Christian."
The things learned in this "course" should be invaluable to those who are just starting to walking the Christian walk (for those who are starting this Christian walk again, or for the first time).
Encourage me in this process. Brainstorm with me. Find others like me and connect me to them, if you could, please!
(for instance, my twittering just connected me to . Sweet!)

What do you think?